Articles tagged with:

Social Media

Let’s explore how the potential TikTok ban ignited this conspiracy and how it reflects age-old antisemitic tropes.
Unpacked spoke with Jewish Gen Z from diverse backgrounds. Most opposed the ban, but many expressed nuance in their views.
If you’re growing distant from a peer who has made antisemitic comments or have seen friends share hurtful posts on social media, here’s what to know.
“My biggest piece of advice [for Gen Z] is to educate yourself…learn the history of what happened in this region and what did not happen,” Fuld told Unpacked.
The chef and cookbook author shares accessible recipes that elevate and modernize Jewish cooking.
With recent increases in antisemitism, understanding how this hate is impacting young Jews and what we can do to address it is crucial.
In the current atmosphere, it’s essential to highlight the supportive voices.
The tech executive recently voiced his support for Israel during the war, but has faced criticism for supporting and allowing antisemitism on X.
Now more than ever before, it’s important to take time for yourself and disengage with the heavy flow of media to preserve your mental health.
Don’t let this incident impact the way you practice your religion or feel about Judaism. Continue to embrace your Judaism — that’s how we defeat prejudice.
The war in Ukraine is playing out in real time on social media.

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