Jewish celebs weigh in what’s going on in Israel

In the wake of rocket attacks and escalated tensions in Israel leading up to an expected Supreme Court ruling on Jewish/Palestinian property rights in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem, Jewish celebrities are beginning to speak out.

Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot shared a heartfelt post on Twitter on Wednesday, May 12.

Mayim Bialik

Mayim Bialik shared an Instagram post on Tuesday May 11 with the caption: “I’ve resisted tackling the complexity of the situation in Israel for quite some time. As a liberal Zionist, people are often confused by my politics. Suffice it to say, the events surrounding Jerusalem Day are devastating. Israel deserves to live as an autonomous free and safe nation. The Palestinian people deserve the same. What is happening now by extremists on both sides is tragic. It’s horrendous. It’s unacceptable. And I have to hold out hope that peace and justice will prevail.”

Elon Gold

Comedian Elon Gold has been vocal about his views on Twitter, sharing multiple tweets on the situation and calling on President Joe Biden to take action.

Joshua Malina

Actor Joshua Malina has also been posting actively on the situation and retweeting latest updates.

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