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Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Tensions came to a breaking point days after Israeli forces arrested one of Islamic Jihad’s top leaders in the West Bank.
Historic in nature, the Bennett-Lapid government was the first to include an Islamist political party, and it was the first government in 12 years not led by Benjamin Netanyahu.
Tensions here in Jerusalem have been slowly rising during the past week, and now what started out as clashes here in this holy city have escalated into a potentially broader regional conflict.
According to data crunched by the Jerusalem Post between 2005 and 2016, Ramadan saw a 200% increase in terrorist attacks in Israel.
There’s a lot to pay attention to in 5782. Here are 10 things that we feel will be making the news a lot over the next year.
News analysis: Is East Jerusalem’s Silwan neighborhood the new Sheikh Jarrah?
The decision by the attorney general means the ruling on the case now rests with Israel’s highest court.
“Israel continues to have the support of a majority of Americans but the Democratic Party shows significant fissures as half see Israel as responsible for the recent violence in the Mideast”
It’s become more than just a little cliche to see the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is “complicated,” but the truth is… it is.
President Biden: “The United States fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against indiscriminate rocket attacks from Hamas and other Gaza based terrorist groups that have taken the lives of innocent civilians in Israel.”
ADL: “The current spread of antisemitism comes at a moment of historically high antisemitic incidents, and when Jews worldwide are vulnerable to being scapegoated by those criticizing the Israeli government.”

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