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Gen Z Voices

In the midst of hostility and division, my Jewish peers and I discovered an unexpected source of strength and unity.
Until the university improves campus security, Rabbi Elie Beuchler’s warning remains clear: Columbia University is currently not a safe place for Jewish students.
“It is terrifying to see such a large number of students chanting for the destruction of Israel knowing that the university has not taken any measures to control the protest.”
We’re looking to expand our team of freelance writers for our new “Gen Z Voices” series, highlighting your experiences and perspectives.
Unpacked spoke with Jewish Gen Z from diverse backgrounds. Most opposed the ban, but many expressed nuance in their views.
People like me, who previously felt distant from Judaism, now wear Magen Davids as symbols of pride and strength.
Jewish students’ responses revealed profound feelings of isolation, fear and pain, representing a collective cry for help and for action.
If you’re growing distant from a peer who has made antisemitic comments or have seen friends share hurtful posts on social media, here’s what to know.
With recent increases in antisemitism, understanding how this hate is impacting young Jews and what we can do to address it is crucial.
Without any context or nuance, the film is much more of a propaganda stunt than education.
An overwhelming number of professors have taken to social media to espouse what can only be described as hatred for the Jewish people.
“The silence I feel around this issue when it comes to Jews and Israelis is louder than anything else,” one student wrote.

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