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In its inquiry released on Thursday, the IDF acknowledged that it had “failed in its mission to protect the residents of Be’eri.”
Hezbollah is now launching dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of rockets and drones toward Israel on a daily basis, and Israel is striking deeper into Lebanon.
The war between Hamas and Israel has now surpassed 225 days. Here are the key developments from this past week.
The war between Hamas and Israel has now surpassed 181 days. Here are the key stories from this past week.
The war between Hamas and Israel has surpassed 167 days. Here are the main stories from this past week.
The war between Hamas and Israel has surpassed 155 days. Here are the top stories from this past week.
The war between Hamas and Israel has surpassed 148 days. Here are the main stories from this past week.
The IDF stated that most of the casualties were caused by civilians trampling each other in a rush to access aid trucks that were traveling through the area.
The war between Hamas and Israel has surpassed 138 days. Here are the main stories from this past week.
UNRWA has stated that it was unaware of the sophisticated command center located directly beneath its headquarters.
As the fallout from the allegations made international headlines, a debate emerged over whether the 12 employees who participated in the Oct. 7 attacks are reflective of a broader problem at UNRWA.
Max Bernstein, who served on the front lines in the 2014 Gaza War, shares advice for IDF combat soldiers during and after their service.

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