Why do Jews pray for rain on Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah?
Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah guide 2024: How to celebrate, when are the holidays?
Hosting your first Yom Kippur break fast? Here’s what you need to know
When is Yom Kippur 2024?
How do you celebrate Yom Kippur and other Jewish Day of Atonement questions, answered
Observing Yom Kippur? Here’s everything you need to know
How do Jewish people forgive and repent on Yom Kippur? The Rabbinic perspective on teshuvah
Yom Kippur guide 2024: How and when to celebrate the Jewish Day of Atonement
What do I tell my Jewish friends on Yom Kippur? It’s not happy Yom Kippur
Why do Jewish people hold break fasts? Unpacking 5 Yom Kippur customs
Finding forgiveness on Yom Kippur: Advice from a therapist and rabbi
The best Rosh Hashanah cocktails — Jewish New Year drink ideas that’ll dazzle